An engaging design with HTML5

This little project consists in an HTML5 page/script to make “rich presentations”. The idea is to create a design which easily takes advantage of what HTML5 offers.

In this example I decided to implement a slideshow of photos enhanced with background music, which helps creating a very pleasing experience for the user. You could fully control the user experience also by setting timers to trigger the pages, or preventing people to skip pages by clicking, and so on. Unfortunately, the code is still very messed up, but I’m planning to organize it better and maybe share it in the future updating this post.

The project was created to experience some of the power of HTML5, which includes the audio tag and the fullscreen option (which I get with this jQuery plugin).

I didn’t try (I run linux on my PCs) but I wouldn’t be surprised in discovering that IE cannot execute the page correctly. It was tested on Firefox and Chromium, having a little better performances achieved by Firefox.

Here’s the link to the example, which uses photos taken by a friend of mine, Stefano Collovati, who I want to publicly thanks here for his help in designing the prototype.

All the photos are property of Stefano Collovati, you should contact him if you want further information about using and/or sharing them.

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